15 September 2011

Another story from Public Transportation

Yes, I am still riding the bus. I like it. I like having an hour to read my text books or the newspaper. I like having time to be productive. I also like not having people flip me off because i'm driving  mph in the construction zones. PEOPLE...that is the speed limit and i can not afford a ticket. Also, i have a new fear of crashing my car. The less i drive it, the less likely that is. Don't worry, in four years when it's paid off, i'll drive again.
ANYWAYS...so the bus today was an adventure.
I should have know it would be when i miss EVERY SINGLE STOPLIGHT on the way to the station.
or when i had to pull over for the firetruck and ambulance.
maybe i could have gotten the hint when i made it to the stop and the bus was already leaving. but no...i am persistant. I decided to drive a bit of the route and catch up with the bus.
when i got on i, as well as three others, had to stand. with a humungo backpack mind you. I felt so self concious. Then a couple people got off and i made it to a seat. i started reading my history book. SUDDENLY...a loud mouth lady gets on the phone and calls UTA to complain about the bus. While she's on it?! she was mad that people had to stand. she argued it was a health hazard...to stand? lady, that's why we have legs. she's all loud an complaining for like fifteen minutes.  it was awkward for us all. then some kids get on the bus. they're talking and the same loud mouth lady shouts to them..."NO SWEARING" super loud. everyone just looks around. they weren't swearing. haha
then some other girl runs up to the front of the bus and grabs the trash can. bus sickness. great.
she needs a seat, so a kid beside me gives her his seat. the whole time i'm picturing her throwing up on me. ya, i know....i'm the worst. then the loud mouth lady yells to the bus driver "bus driver, there are some kids swearing back here." he pulls the bus over and scolds the boys. i still haven't heard a swear word. then we get to school. thank goodness! i'm praying for a less active ride home.

in other news...something weird is happening to me. I'm sick. not like a cold...but i can't eat anything. I'm hungry, then i go to eat and gag and get sick. (no i'm not preggo. i haven't even kissed a boy in 11 months.) i'm just sick. i haven't "eaten" since monday night. i've just had lots of water! and some soup broth. but i'm not complaining...Maybe i'll have a reverse freshman fifteen. that'd be great.

in other other news. i have a date on saturday. i'm excited. maybe i'm not as pathetic as i think.


  1. We need to talk!! When are you coming back??

  2. I'll come back whenever my friend!!! You name the time and place and I am there. Maybe tuesday?
