03 October 2011

Just Another Manic Monday

I hate that weekends ever have to end.
 Today was SO busy. I went to work and then drove down to orem to take a meteorology test. then drove back. lame. Maybe if I didn't have such great weekends mondays wouldn't be so awful.

one thing sure cheers me up on mondays. yep, emails from my missionary. he's a keeper. I am so grateful to be blessed with him in my life, even if he isn't in my day to day life at the moment, one day he will be.

Man i hate modays.


  1. You should have cone and visited me!

  2. I guess I'm the weird one. I hate for the weekend to end, but Monday is the best day of the work week. I'm rested, I've been spiritually fed, and I'm ready to go. And then there's Thursday...
