28 November 2011

Who is this boy?!

Okay...I'm going to get personal and share an email again. It's p-day, the best day of the week, and my cutie missionary is just the best. Period.

My absolute favorite (note the sarcasm) thing that people say to me when I tell them I am waiting for a missionary is: "Woah...two years is a LONG time. What if he changes?"

Today I got this email:

Hahah yeah its not easy to teach about the gospel. I feel like I knew nothing when i came out compared to what I know now. When we were flying out there was a missionary on his way home and I talked to him and his dad asked us how we'd tell someone what the book of Mormon was and we were all silent, his son just went off and explained in great detail and I thought wow i will never be able to do that. But its now to the point where I can do it in my sleep. The easiest way to explain what we believe is the articles of faith, or the gospel, faith in Jesus Christ and His atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the holy ghost and enduring to the end. The book of Mormon has a lot of critics but only because people don't understand what it is. Another Testament of Jesus Christ. A record of the ancient inhabitants of the Americas and their dealings with God and Jesus Christ. People don't know He came here, ministered and taught the rest of "His sheep". The plan of salvation is tricky because its deep, but to scratch the surface you can say something like: Because of the wickedness of the world after the time of Christ, the truths and doctrines of His gospel were lost or distorted, so a loving Father in heaven restored those principles so His children would know what they were to do in this life. These things were restored in the same manner that He has always revealed His gospel, through a prophet. We have evidence of this that you can hold in your hands and read and pray to know if its true......" Haha welcome to missionary work. Anyways, I sure love you sweetie!! :-):-) I hope you know that :-) I do, with all my heart!! Be safe this week ok?? My nerves are at ease a little more knowing you are home safe and sound :-) Just like when i used to make you call me when you'd have to drive home from my house at night :-) I love you Kayla.

Forever yours, your cam, who will see you in less than a year, Elder Cameron Trujillo :-)

I was telling him just how hard it was to explain to my non-member extended family members what an lds missionary was and that I was waiting for one. After I would tell a family member about my missionary they would start asking gospel questions, that got deeper and deeper. I know that the church is true and I have no problem expressing my feelings and testimony to other members. But how do you explain the plan of salvation or why we have "an extra book" to someone who believes fallacies about the church. I told cam I gained an immensely greater respect for what he does everyday and asked how I could become better at it. This paragraph from my email was his reply. For those of you who don't know my cameron, this seems like normal gospel stuff...but to me, this is so much more. This is from the boy who used to allow himself one "church sleep in day" a month and who enjoy sluffing seminary. Yes, this was from a once normal teenage boy. But over the past 14 (yipee!) months, cameron has grown so much within the gospel. I am so proud of who he's become.

So to all the "Waiter Haters" who insist that cameron will change, as will I...you're right. He has changed and will continue to change. And to be honest, I've changed. But we have both grown up and are becoming two adults ready to pursue a life together. I am so excited to meet the man my cameron has become.


  1. You, my dear, are so stinking cute. I cannot WAIT to have my missionary!!

  2. oh my goodness, i am in awe at how cute you two are! in response to your question, am i waiting?long story short, we have been friends for two years. we've liked each other the whole two years, but never did anything about it. a couple months before he left we gained a much better connection. he is my best friend and i like him a whole lot! so in a way i am waiting, but i am dating others too! we are writing and everything seems to be good. he did tell me he wants to date when he gets home so i hoping as is he, that i will be here too! who really knows though! i hope that helps ya a little. haha! (: thanks for following and commenting on my blog. you're a cute girl and i wish the best of luck to you and cameron!

  3. Aw I love this Kayla! It's fun to see people we know change from silly teenagers to adults, slowly but surely (: I'm happy for you and Cameron. That's awesome!

  4. I am a proud "waiter-hater," and I would advise anyone NOT to wait. That is based on my own experience.

    BUT I think you are fabulous, and I sincerely hope that all your dreams come true together. I love you!
