06 January 2012

Friday Night...MG Style

Friday night...date night. No worries here though. I had one of the best friday nights I've had...in a while.

I spent my night transforming these....

into THESE!! You know what would be cool? If I had a little apt. to put all this cute stuff I make.
Soon :) 

I also spent the night in a blanket, with my healthy version of fried rice and these guys

I am totally addicted. Hot texas football players and high school drama. Who wouldn't love it?
Five episodes in one night? No biggie. I'm thinking it's time for round six.

And just so you all don't think I'm a complete loser...In that package from cam yesterday (the one that had the SD card) I also got my pillow case back with some cutesy stuff from my mish. After receiving his "52 reasons I love you" gift he felt he had to out do me.

yes...he wrote 53 reasons he loves me on this pillow case. And other cute stuff. I cried when I read them, no worries. I am not a complete loser, that boy, across the country, loves me more than I even know. I am so blessed. 

Happy friday ya'll.


  1. Love what you did with the mirrors! And we are still waiting for the rest of your 52 reasons....just sayin.
