10 January 2012

Things From Today: January 10, TWO THOUSAND TWELVE!

I absolutely love that it is 2012. I don't feel like this needs any explanation, but I've been waiting fourteen months to say "he comes home THIS year." And he does.

But that's all off topic.

Today was my first day of school for the spring semester. AND it was great! Really great actually.

Perhaps one of the best things about my new schedule is that I start class at 8:30 and finish by 2:15...Which means I'm home by 3, instead of 8:30 like last semester! It's so nice to still have the afternoon to do homework or be lazy (more often the latter). It feels like a normal school day again and I love it. As great as it was to start class at 11:30, it just was not practical for me or my schedule. Guess it takes a semester to learn the tricks.

My classes are really great as well. I have extra credit opportunities in all but one and (seemingly) great professors. My international relations political science class is full of poly sci majors and true debaters. My kind of people. It is going to be a great class. My professor is from some Asian country (I couldn't understand where he said he was from...but I got that he was Asian. Hopefully I'll be able to understand him better soon!) and worked for the US government in D.C. He's legit. I am so excited. Surprisingly, the other class I am stoked about is Ethics and Values...a required philosophy class. How did I know it would be a great class? Before we started my professor turned on Fox news. (Secretly informing us that he is a conservative. A nice change in an overly liberal college atmosphere.) Then we learned that we would be required to watch 1 1/2 hours of commentary each week. (Hello meet the press and Bill O'Reily) Then he made fun of the ridiculous occupy wall street movement and participants. He is my kind of guy. I can't wait for class discussions and our projects. I am so excited for his class.

Call me a nerd...but school was great today and I have a great feeling that this will be a fantastic semester.

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