10 April 2012

P-Day is the Best Day

"Kayla, I'll never EVER EVER be too busy for you!!!! Don't think that!!!
And that my time is needed more somewhere else. I seriously wait and
wait for our emails and letters to each other :-) Like you don't even
know. No matter where life takes us babe, even here in Scranton PA
haha, you will be my first priority of time. You and our family will
ALWAYS come first. You mean more to me, are more special to me than
anything else!!! That will always be the case too. Trust me, I mean it
when I say I love you. Its not something I just throw around :-) Haha
my love for you in limitless, endless, boundless, its deepness know no
end. You are my sweetheart Kayla :-):-) Don't forget it"

"Love can't always be measured by how long you wait. It's about how well you under why you are waiting." 

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