13 October 2011

Only in College

Some days are more interesting than others. Today was one of those "some days."
I got on the bus and as soon as we drove away someone began playing the ukulele. Seriously. ALL THE WAY DOWN TO OREM. People, this is not hawaii.
THEN...after my first class I was hustling to meteorology and there was a girl dressed as Pikachu. WTF. She had ears, a tail, and pikachu pajama pants. Have you no shame? At all?
Oh people, it gets better.
The other night chelsea told me she saw some strange people walking around at BYU with cloaks on. Yes, full on, hood and everything, just walked out of harry potter, cloaks. I laughed, thinking "only at BYU."
I was mistaken.
In my meteorology class....someone had on a full on green cloak. Nothing says fall like a hooded cloak.
Take your pick, today was a day full of  college weirdos.
Thank goodness tomorrow is friday.

1 comment:

  1. You called me about Pikachu but not when you witnessed your first cloak?! Hahaha WTF...why the face...
