26 August 2011

Goodbye to a Friend

Wow. I've said goodbye to a lot of friends lately, but today was a bit different. Today my doggy, Duffy, was put to sleep. He had so many tumors and was in so much pain, I know it was the best thing for him, but it is so sad to not have him sitting by me in the living room. My mom is having the hardest time with his death, which is hard for me because I hate seeing her so sad. I've never had a dog or cat or anything besides fish die. It's so hard. We adopted duffy on the mother's day before I started kindergarten, how parallel is it that he died the friday before I start college. I've grown up with him. We use to play together in the back yard and walk to the park together. I use to ride in the back of the pick up truck with him and swim in lakes while fishing. He was the best dog a family could ask for. So kind and loving. He will always be remembered in the Stober home and forever loved. Thank you for everything duffers. You were the best.
I love you.

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