30 August 2011

my FIRST day of college

things from today:

i met a super sweet lady on the bus.
the super cute lady asked me if i was married.
i learned that if i walk faster than the "chelsea pace" i can get to my classes with time to spare.
i learned that when i walk down hallways, people stare at me. why? i don't know.
i searched everywhere for a bathroom.
i eventually found one.
i have the greatest meteorology professor.
his name is Dr. Dinkledge.
i made it to the library.
i found a microwave...in the library! bring on the leftovers for lunch.
i have a pretty cool american government teacher...he's australian. go figure.
i look at my watch a lot.
i suck at choosing spots on the bus. (at least on the way home)
i get home around 8:30.

good first day at college.

first day of school!

I am an official wolverine. what ever that is :)

1 comment:

  1. Kayla--you're very cool! You're gonna love and do great in college!

    And also, I love you. (Just thought you oughtta know!)
